Day Twenty-seven: 12/2/2020 Little Penter Fish Have Arrived

Day 27:  This day went pretty well.  Was happy to donate some of Ming's washable dog diapers and dog treat toys to Unbreakable Rescue Allies.

I had eight clients on the docket but my last client didn't show, checked the clock and decided tonight was the night to get my fish!  The store I wanted to go to closes at 6pm so I knew the only way to get there during the week would be if someone cancelled.  This store is downtown Springfield and the first tank I see has some neon tetras.  The guy running the store quickly helped me pick out the fish I wanted and let me know an otocinclus catfish would be better than a coby catfish because they are a little smaller and I only have a five gallon tank.  He did tell me they are social and like to hang out together, he recommended I get a second one but he gave met he last one he had with more coming in next week.  I was super impressed that I got all five fish for $20, props to The Nautilus Tropical Fish Store!

Went home and let them float in their bags in their new tank.  Realized the catfish needs algae as it is a herbivore so I had to go to the grocery store (thank you Fred Meyers) to get some algae wafers and a cucumber.  Yep, she's got a sliced cucumber at the bottom of the tank.  So far I can't tell that she's eaten any but she is a buy one.  Prior to going to the store I did some research on how to tell the sex of each of the fish.  Of the five, I could be wrong on two of them...but again, maybe I'm right!  On my way to the store I started thinking of names. Marlin was the first name, he's the betta.  Funny because I was texting with one of my cousins later and the catfish I named Etta, he assumed Etta was the betta, that would have been clever but I wasn't a fan of naming the male betta Etta.  The neon tetras took me longer.  They are all female, with one possibly being male.  Eventually I'd like to get a male because I'd like to see if babies are possible.  On my drive to the store I had thought I might name them Alvin, Simon, and Theodore after the Chipmunks.  Do you remember these guys?  I think they were part of my Saturday morning cartoon routine.

For awhile I considered the name Suzy (my favorite doll growing up), Zaya, and Zara.  I offered to let my husband name one girl but he left that fun up to me.  Finally I came up with Suri, Zoelie, and Madeline.  I can't tell them apart yet, I definitely wanted to hang with them longer but Jeremy warned me that I could stress them out.  Here's to hoping they have health, happy lives as Penters. 

This day I was able to fold four cranes at work and so tonight, while busy I got six more done.  (815/1000)  


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