Day Thirty-three: 12/8/2020 900 completed, feeling victorious!


My favorite pandemic birthday wish I like to send to a few of my favorites

Day 33:  I never imagined that Friday in November that I would be this close to being done with folding 1000 paper cranes.  One thought was maybe I could be done by my birthday, January 12th.  I'll be done within the week, unless something major throws that off.  So excited to start the next part which will be stringing them with blue beads.  It was a long day at work, not a bad day just a long day and I had a couple errands after work so wasn't home until almost 7:30pm.  So appreciated my friend Kendra checking in on me, making sure I was doing okay regarding the grief of losing our dog Ming.  Several clients have been asking as well.  When I got home I had quite a bit of pain in my upper back, neck, shoulders, and that darn wrist so I decided an Epsom salt bath was overdue.  Felt really really good.  On this day I had folded some paper cranes in the early morning, a handful more at work and then a few when I got home.  I was going to stop at 15 but when I looked at my notebook, where I keep count and take notes for the blog, I saw I just needed two more to reach 900.  This tired girl then had a surge of energy & folded those right up.  I couldn't help but announce it on Facebook either.  One of my friends had said earlier in the day, how good news needs to be shared more than ever.  I don't disagree.  While like continues to be inundated with pandemic news, political news, hunger, war, strife we must not forget the every day blessings that continue to unfold.  Like my client who stopped to pick up a lost dog on her way to see me, making her a little late to the appointment but she couldn't not stop.  Or the caregiver who is now sort of a teacher as well to a teen with developmental delays, who understands without her this kid would not be participating in school.  How about the encouragement and show of support for friends who are struggling with depression, with parenting, with starting a new job, losing a job, with sudden death of a parent or spouse.  Every day I see friends, friends of friends of friends reaching out to say, I see your pain and I'm sorry, I do care.  I hope, if you are reading this you take pause, even if just for a moment to reflect on the brighter side of today before you carry on.  xoJasmine

My favorite stickers by numbers sea turtle


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