Day Thirty-one: 12/6/2020 Prepping for the holidays & paying it forward

Day 31:  Got a lot done today because for some reason we were awake before 5am.  Spent some time writing holiday cards in between folding a few cranes.  At some point I got distracted by the idea I could make an origami Christmas tree, super pleased with how it turned out thanks to Pinterest!  It now sits in front of the Christmas tree that I got put up in the evening which you'll see in the 2nd photo. 

Loki and I went to Wags! Emporium to donate a dog mat for Health Enrichment for Low-income Pets.  He got himself two treats, one from the clerk and one from me for being a good boy.  Then we got his youngest brother two new squeaky balls because he won't play with any of the balls Mings used to play with.  I ran across this great resource this past summer from one of my fellow rescue moms (that's you Ericka) when I saw a post that one of the older dogs Chef Gordon really needed a ramp to get in and out of his owner's van.  We had purchased Ming a ramp because we have two steps up from the backyard to our deck into the house and he was pretty much using all of his front two leg strength to clear the steps.  Ming is pretty stubborn though, when he didn't want to use something, he just plain didn't.  The ramp was really nice because it folded with a handle and had green turf which always reminds me of an indoor soccer field (which I miss).  I was happy to hear Chef Gordon is successfully using the ramp so at least it it being put to good use by someone who otherwise couldn't afford it.  By evening I decided to put our little tree up and decorate it. For some reason I thought of Talladega Nights when Will Ferrell is praying to baby Jesus, one of my favorite scenes! 
Baby tree for Baby Jesus

Much to the boys's chagrin I found their headband antlers!  Lau was a super good sport and resumed chewing his rawhide.  His brothers Loki and Zen however walked around like they were trying to get away from it.  Just wait until I get their beanies and handkerchiefs out (coming soon). 

"Please mom, would you not?!"

"Wait, am I being punished?"
I didn't fold many paper cranes over the weekend to give my wrist, elbow, shoulder a break.  The pain has greatly lessened so I am glad I did that.  By the end of the day I folded 14 paper cranes.  (873/1000)


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