Day Forty-one: 12/16/2020 Swimming in thread

Day 41:  I was all excited because I thought I had it, the answer to get these cranes on a string with beads.  Well after tearing one paper crane (sorry crane!) and folding one to replace it I got two paper cranes on a string....but the friend had brought me two extra long needles...unfortunately both of those needles plus mine, the head where you string through is too wide to get several of the bead that I'd picked out on!  So now I am on the hunt for the perfect needle and now that I am sitting here I might use bead wire....While I was super frustrated about tearing the crane I really enjoyed folding another crane, I feel like I am even more attentive to that process because it feels good to have mastered that particularly after the disappointing evening of stringing beads with cranes.  However I still only worked on this for about an hour and might not even have that kind of time tonight because I work until 7pm.  Here's to trial and error folks!


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