Day Two: 11/7/2020 Folding paper cranes during lecture and the new president elect is announced.


Day Two: On my second to last day of training (EMDR, see previous entry) I decide to take my origami paper with me so I can fold during the lecture section.  Generally we had about three hours of lecture and then would break up in to smaller groups and then even smaller practice groups.  Lecture time seemed to be a great time to fold and on this day I didn't need to use the template, I had the folds memorized!  At some point early morning I had a thought that it would be fun to blog during this project, a way to stay present with what is going on around me.  It reminded me of a time I was taking one picture a day and posting it to a blog.  It had become a practice I had created while in a 9 month Women's Empowerment class.  I both love to write as well as take pictures.  This seemed like another great way to utilize those.  2020 has definitely been a year of doing things differently; some things as a result of things out of our control and others as a result of finding different ways to care for ourselves due to the isolation caused by the pandemic.  Mid morning I check a website and see the president elect and vice president have been announced.  I really wanted to message my classmates to let them know an announcement had been made but no one was saying a word, the lecture had continued and I questioned if it was appropriate to bring up.  This was a lecture with almost 30 people in attendance online, from several parts of the country.  Finally our lecturer recognized that this had happened and as we broke in to our small groups we did get, for a couple quick minutes, share what we had just learned.  So far Day 2 is my record paper crane folding day as I completed 64 paper cranes.  (112/1000)


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