Day One: 11/6/2020 It started because I found some pretty origami paper.


Day One:  Friday night I got home after a full day of training.  I'm in the process of completing the final weekend of my Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) training.  I've purchased some two sided origami paper from Amazon and was thinking about folding paper cranes. After browsing DIY paper crane projects on Pinterest I ran in to the ancient Japanese legend that says the person who folds 1000 paper cranes is granted one wish by the gods.  Not really sure what wish I'd like granted but it seems after this last year it could use a good wish.  After finding a template with folding directions (only to find if I had looked a little further instructions came with the paper I purchased) I spent the better part of that evening folding 48 paper cranes.


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