Day Fourteen: 11/19/2020 My paper cranes visiting my friends

Day 14:  One of the unexpected things that brought me a smile was that a good friend and former co-worker sent me a photo of the crane I sent her sitting on her desk.  She let me know it was helping spread peace.  Andrea was one of two who had guess correctly on how many minutes it took me to fold 10 paper cranes (see previous posts).  She also sent me this photo.

I was pretty tired this day as I have been waking up with one of our dogs every night for almost a week now.  We're thinking he's experiencing the early signs of dementia as his sleep schedule is totally off and he wakes up and then is barking until one of us is with him.  Previously we thought he was experiencing more pain because he has severe hip dysplasia as well as a progressive neurological disorder.  We are going to start him on a new medication to address cognition.  Fingers crossed we find something that works.  This day I also practiced stringing my first paper crane.  My friend Hillary had requested a crane which I folded and then put on a string so she can hang it.  I think I know what some of my friends and family will be getting for the holidays.  13 paper cranes were folded today, but one was given away.  (546/1000).


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